The Bible study materials are primarily distributed at our leadership training conferences; however, resources can be ordered by contacting our Resource Coordinator at An alternate email address is:
Please see our FAQs page (under About Us) for additional information about how these resources are distributed.
Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Inima Femeii: Locașul lui Dumnezeu
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Breaking Free: The Journey, the Stories
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Eliberată Ediţie revizuită
Călătoria personală Evenimentele
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Believing God
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
A-L crede pe Dumnezeu
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Beloved Disciple
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Ucenicul Preaiubit
Viața și lucrarea apostolului Ioan
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Jesus the One and Only
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Только Иисус
For distribution in all Russian speaking regions
Jesus the One and Only
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Isus Singurul şi Unicul
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Living Beyond Yourself – Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Un studiu asupra roadei Duhului
For distribution in Romania, Moldova and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy
Bible study by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries/LifeWay Resources
Daniel: Vieţi Integre
Cuvinte Profetice
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
Discovering God’s Purpose For Your Life
booklet by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries
Descobrindo o Propósito de Deus para Sua Vida
For distribution in Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique and other Portuguese speaking regions
Discovering God’s Purpose For Your Life
booklet by Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries
Descoperind scopul lui Dumnezeu pentru viaţa ta
For distribution in Romania, Moldova, and other Romanian speaking regions and people groups
A Perspective on Christian Suffering
tract by Wallace Rutland
O perspectivă asupra suferinţei creştinilor
For global distribution
A Perspective on Christian Suffering
tract by Wallace Rutland
Uma perspectiva sobre o sofrimento cristão
For global distribution
A Perspective on Christian Suffering
tract by Wallace Rutland
For global distribution