What a sweet time of fellowship, singing, testimony and sharing. The Lord graciously blessed us with an intimacy tonight with the ladies and with Him. I was so thankful for the opportunity to share. We actually had several women in leadership who had not registered for the women’s training conference on Saturday, but had attended the meeting tonight. As a result, several ladies are now going to join us to receive the training and the Bible study materials.
Cami did a totally fabulous job translating for us. She has an amazing ability to use matching inflection and animation. She is incredibly talented, and we are so thankful for her help.
I saw some faces of previous conference attendees, and it was so fun to catch up with each other. I was especially delighted to hug Vica, who I mentioned in a previous blog.
It was very cold tonight, but it wasn’t snowing, raining or sleeting. PTL!
We unloaded a bunch of stuff just before the session started, and we wearing high heals on the slush, snow and some parts of ice. Tricky business!
We need to leave here at 8:00AM in the morning, so I will close this blog post.
Answered prayers:
1) Weather is clearing and is supposed to have some sunshine tomorrow
2) The laptop wouldn’t work tonight to play Natalie Nichols’ DVD, so we considered a miracle of God that Alex brought his laptop to the church. He wasn’t going to bring it, but decided to at the last minute. PTL, that it was available to use.
3) Several testimonies from attendees who were deeply touched by different parts of the service.
4) All the preparations are done, and now we head to the finish line.
Thanks so much for praying!!
I will try to post pics tomorrow when I’m not so tired.