Just a quick post this Monday morning to let you know I arrived home safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Even though we landed just a few minutes late in Houston, it took over 2 hours to get out of the airport. Long, long lines at Border control and then at Baggage claim. Turns out about 20 passengers couldn’t find their missing bags – me included. I finally found one, but we discovered the bags were left in Frankfurt. Sooooooo, they are supposed to arrive today and be delivered tonight. I am praying everything arrives safely and without any loss or breakage. Would appreciate your prayers about that. Another prayer request is that my sweet punkin’, Caleb, looks like he has a very severe ear infection with lots of gunk coming out of his right ear. Called for an appointment this afternoon at3:30PM. He says it hurts, too, so am praying the ear drum hasn’t ruptured. His tube was trying to come out even before I left.
I will post pictures from the trip this evening when everything settles down.
Much love and appreciation!