We had such a great weekend with some new friends I had met in Timisoara, Romania back in October 2008. Scott and Carolyn Pouncey are the Co-founders of Solid Rock Youth Ranch in Romania. You can see more info by visiting their website: www.sryr.org
Had some friends over to our house on Saturday evening, and then we traveled to Ft. Worth to have a gathering at my sister’s home for them. One of the neatest things was to view the 10 minute DVD produced for the Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Oregon. It is the model for the Pouncey’s ministry vision for Solid Rock Youth Ranch. Take a few minutes to go the site to watch the video. Will bless you a bunch. www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org
Have a fabulous week!
Please continue to pray for the completion of the translation and editing of the Romanian version of Beth Moore’s Bible study, “Believing God.” We are still shooting for late Spring of 2009 to introduce it in Romania.